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for Kyra

it’s freezing in the flat but

we linger in the character customization screen 

to decide on the femme fit 

kitted in chainstore clothes 

we climb the hill to the observatory

extend the max render distance

swivel the telescope / pierce the skybox

look @ the first star i ever tried to find in the nightsky

now divided into 2 pts of light

a binary system w a hidden third

the planet w the red trees from my dreams

where the sunflares force all the animals underground 

into damp rented caverns

from where i’m standing now

it takes 4.37 years for the light to load 

which means: systems lag

the burning central processor of self-discovery

finally realising the importance of performance

tho i’m still in the roots of the skill tree

the awkward 14 y/o blue eyeshadow stage

but w the help of year nines 

i’m starting to understand character progression

going shopping for dresses

then blushing when the cashier assumes i’m the insta boyf

trying out different builds 

maybe one day i’ll achieve mastery 

wear that fucking tennis skirt outside 

reclaim the accent i hid from bullies

learn how to branch w/o

all these fetch quests 

into the exploitation centre of the cbd

i never knew a piece of polyester could

make me feel like myself

now i go raiding in the open world 

w mixmatched armour 

to find a $8 cucumber from new world 

w ur help i think i can 

come to terms w the fact this life is a permadeath timesink

1 star & 220,000 hrs played

i’m neckdeep in a low poly simulation

but happy finally to ignore the questionmarks

all over the map

content in knowing out there somewhere 

there is a planet snuggled right up to its sun

but we’ll all kill ourselves before

we fly there

to dig up all its ore 

& put the creatures into children’s books 

where they are reduced to gendered metaphors

 for all our pointless furless mammal emotions

at least there’s that 


rhys feeney (they/them) is a high school teacher in Te Whanganui-a-Tara. their debut chapbook, soyboy, was published as part of AUP New Poets 7 (2020). they play too many video games.

Poem note: This poem has its roots in a date at Space Place. We were basically the only people there and looked at Alpha Centauri through the telescope for ages, which was like a dream come true. The rest of the inspo comes from the queer icon that is The Witcher 3, of course. 

You can follow rhys on Twitter @rhysfeeneybot.